The elevators for both companies were designed to generate response from the user in that they reflect on the core nature of the companies as well as to provide a thoughtful and social entrance to the business. Time in the elevator is also idle time before entering a busy work space so a comfortable area allows a little break in a busy day or in this case after a meeting.
Facebook Network-evator
The Facebook elevator is used to access various levels and in doing so provides ample time to meet or interact with various colleagues for a brief period before entering the facility. In essence, The elevators have a small capacity thus reducing pressure of 'group environments' initially so colleagues have an opportunity to get acquainted before going to work.
The elevator operates quite slowly and moves in 'stages' before docking at various stations whereby the occupants need to leave the elevator and enter a new one to proceed further up the building to their desired level. Once the occupant enters and the desired level is selected the system evaluates all occupants currently using the elevator and optimises docking stations so that the majority of exchanges happen and more people 'network' on their way into the building.
The elevator has a sensor recording volume perceived as conversation, the more conversation between two occupants the faster the lift moves if occupied by more than one person. I.e. 'The more talking you do to someone else, the quicker you can get into the building.'
The Take 2 Interactive Elevator
Take 2's elevator was inspired by a spaceship in the film 'Tron' mentioned prior (above), it operates as 2 moving platforms that cycle to create various levels. The whole elevator then 'lifts off' and heads towards the headquarters or lower deck whereby it lands and adjusts various levels. The intention serves 2 purposes, firstly it plays on the 'interactive' nature of the company and is all about movement in all and any direction. Secondly, the platforms generated by 'platform' terminology lifting off give both a future thinking and forward thinking direction whereby anything can happen. I.e. In a video gaming world there are no limits to what can be achieved physically which is brought out through the design.
On another note, this also continues to play on the Dark Power theme as it actually 'carries' the occupants away in a ship. Not such a distant train of thoughts from cult future films such as Blade Runner. Russell addressed this in one lecture where he unpacked that science very often follows science fiction.
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